Wednesday, August 07, 2013

birds eye view

We woke up to much clearer skies and a little bit of sun; it promised to be a clear day, and it was. A few rain drops here and there, but nothing worth noting beyond that. I'll take it!

While Martyr's Crossing was having it's second run, Lisa and I had lunch next door to the venue at a place called FYUL. FYUL is some kind of acronym, but I've already forgotten it. Food you'll utterly love? Anyway, it was delicious. I had chicken curry. But more importantly, FYUL is owned by two stage designers, so the décor was pretty awesome. I especially loved the door wall and the chair covered with tweed suit coats. Every corner of the restaurant was filled with something interesting, unexpected, and/or bizarre. I like places like that.

After the show we met back up with the cast and made plans for the day. Everyone had different items on their agenda, which is great. Exactly what I hoped they would want to do in Edinburgh.  Aubrey, Devon and Josh joined Lisa and Me for a hike to the top of Arthur's seat. It was so much fun. We had a great talk on the way up, and it was so beautiful with the purple thistles in bloom everywhere. It's not a difficult hike - I'd compare it to hiking the Y - and it's so rewarding. The scenery along the trail is amazing, and the view from the top is spectacular.

We sat on the craggy rocks at the crest for a while, looking out over Edinburgh and the North Sea. For miles we could see quilted countryside and rumbling clouds rolling in. Then we moved over to a grassy knoll and laid down for a bit. It was so quiet up there. The students entertained Lisa and me with funny stories, and Josh chased a crow.

After the hike we were all pretty hungry, so we walked back down off the Seat, up through the Royal Mile, and into New Town where we had  a pub dinner at Milne's Bar on Rose Street. Lisa and I both had the Roast Special - a super traditional English meal with Roast, potatoes, and Yorkshire pudding. Josh had fish and chips, and I don't remember what the girls had. I just remember that we ate and ate and still nobody finished their plates.

Lisa and I went to see The Heat, which was hysterical. Is there anyone funnier than Melissa McCarthy? I know it's odd that we keep going to movies, but that's our thing. We both know how crazy things will get when we're back home on Monday, so we're going to take advantage of this time to do what we like, when we like, and how we like. I love it, and I'm incredibly grateful for it.